$ 287.96 $ 359.95
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SUV is in stock and ready to ship!
PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. This is not the average DIY project and you should have experience and understanding of plumbing and air systems. This kit will take all the guesswork out of sourcing each part. In addition, these parts have been tested to their limits and continue to operate flawlessly.
PLEASE NOTE: To complete a full air-up/down system, you will need to purchase a Rago ARB Compressor Mount, Air Mounts (optional), Wifey Block Mounts, & ARB Compressor.
This system will allow you to air-up all 4 tires under 4-9 minutes using our 3/8-inch high flow air lines. (Tire inflation times depend on tire size, original pressure and single or duel ARB air compressor used). Included in this expansive kit is everything needed to see gauged tire pressure to all 4 wheels when the system is hooked up. Deflate all 4 tires at the same time getting you back on the trail as fast as possible. Components of the kit include braded stainless steel inlet line, solid brass fittings and chucks, billet aluminum distribution block, high quality slide valves, and 3/8-inch high flow air lines.
NOTE: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. However, you may review the install done by "sponsoredbywifey" on YouTube.
I wrote my Two Star review out of frustration. I am updating to 5 stars as the excellent Customer Service at Rago has made good. Overall the system is excellent.
Thanks Steve!
Please always feel free to reach out to us when having any issues! We love to help and that's what we're here for!
I had some issues with the manifold plugs leaking air no matter what I used to try to seal the threads. I ended up buying some 1/4" NPG hex head plugs and that sealed it up as well as kept the manifold from turning in the mount.
The other change I made was to the air chucks. The ones I received in the kit leaked so much air that it wasn't worth using. I replaced them with these and couldn't be happier. Seals completely and makes the system usable. I know there is a desire to keep the kit priced as low as possible, but consider offering these as an option at an increased price. I've got eight air chucks I will probably never use sitting on my bench. I would have happily paid the extra $100 to start with these.
All in all it's a great addition to the ARB compressor and I recommend it highly.
Hello, I might if missed reading this somewhere in the instructions but I was wondering what the different small red, blue, and yellow spring strength were? and which one I should use with my arb twin air compressor? Thanks, Paul
Hey there Paul,
Here's the instructions on those springs! Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns! --- https://addictivedesert-my.sharepoint.com/personal/rgodoy_horsepowerautomotivegroup_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Frgodoy%5Fhorsepowerautomotivegroup%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FMicrosoft%20Teams%20Chat%20Files%2FNC25%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Frgodoy%5Fhorsepowerautomotivegroup%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FMicrosoft%20Teams%20Chat%20Files&ga=1
Thank you!
I have a 2017 4Runner Limited with the XRES suspension, when I went to install the rear mounting brackets, there was an XRES bracket installed where the Rago rear bracket should go.
How can I install the rear brackets?
James Brian Cartmell
OK I’m really pleased you guys got me the item as fast as you could when you told me it was gonna be back ordered and you didn’t have piping but you made it happen I haven’t had it installed but it’s getting installed next week couldn’t be happier
All of our parts are proudly built start to finish, in-house, from American materials.